Inspirage Agile PLM Archive Utility

Accelerate your transition to Oracle Product Management Cloud

Often, PLM platforms and tools are cluttered with history, much of it irrelevant or obsolete and not viable for new product development. Additionally, the proliferation of unnecessary product data may confuse users, resulting in product or process issues and the potential for disrupting your system’s performance. Although this data isn’t needed in a new PLM platform, it is important to preserve the information should it be required in the future. This is often the case in regulated industries when data preservation is necessary for a certain number of years.

The Inspirage Agile Archive Utility solution is a highly intuitive user interface that accesses stored historical PLM data making it easily available for search and acquisition. This scalable, standard orientation solution addresses the need of how best to preserve historical data when migrating to a new PLM platform. Rich in functionality, this standalone application can be hosted in the customer data center or on a cloud solution. Additionally, deep linking is available, if needed, for connecting from new PLM system into the archive.
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